A Blue-spotted Coral Grouper, Cephalopholis miniata, says Ahhh while a Skunk cleaner shrimp, Lysmata amboinensis, inspects it for parasites. In a perfect example of symbiosis, the shrimp feeds on the parasites it removes, thus benefitting both parties. Supremely confident in its status as a valued partner, the shrimp grooms its customers from head to tail, sometimes even crawling inside the mouth. Similan Islands Marine National Park, Thailand, Andaman Sea

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Image ID: 0058975-MSR.jpg

A Blue-spotted Coral Grouper, Cephalopholis miniata, says Ahhh while a Skunk cleaner shrimp, Lysmata amboinensis, inspects it for parasites. In a perfect example of symbiosis, the shrimp feeds on the parasites it removes, thus benefitting both parties. Supremely confident in its status as a valued partner, the shrimp grooms its customers from head to tail, sometimes even crawling inside the mouth. Similan Islands Marine National Park, Thailand, Andaman Sea
Credit to: Blue Planet Archive / Mark Strickland

Image dimensions: 5400x3600

URL for this image: https://pictures.blueplanetarchive.com/image/I0000jA4djmh_vyM