pod of Hawaiian spinner dolphins or long-snouted spinner dolphins, or Gray's spinner dolphins, Stenella longirostris longirostris, in rest mode; some dolphins are playing with leaves or pieces of trash; Hookena, Kona, Hawaii (the Big Island) Central Pacific Ocean

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Image ID: 0036710-DPE.jpg

spinner dolphin

pod of Hawaiian spinner dolphins or long-snouted spinner dolphins, or Gray's spinner dolphins, Stenella longirostris longirostris, in rest mode; some dolphins are playing with leaves or pieces of trash; Hookena, Kona, Hawaii (the Big Island) Central Pacific Ocean
Credit to: Blue Planet Archive / Doug Perrine

Image dimensions: 3211x4816

URL for this image: https://pictures.blueplanetarchive.com/image/I0000iqRUOpOasd0