unborn blue sharks pups, Prionace glauca, expelled from utereus of freshly butchered female, Isla Magdalena, Baja, Mexico, Pacific Ocean

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  • Carcharhinidae
  • Carcharhiniformes
  • Elasmobranchii
  • Prionace
  • Prionace glauca
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  • blue shark
  • elasmobranch
  • environmental problem
  • ground shark
  • requiem shark
  • shark
  • vertical

Image ID: 0076992-MMK.jpg

unborn blue sharks pups, Prionace glauca, expelled from utereus of freshly butchered female, Isla Magdalena, Baja, Mexico, Pacific Ocean
Credit to: Blue Planet Archive / Marilyn & Maris Kazmers

Image dimensions: 3600x5400

URL for this image: https://pictures.blueplanetarchive.com/image/I0000enHFKK01obM