spinner dolphin, either eastern spinner, Stenella longirostris orientalis, or Central American spinner, Stenella, longirostris centroamericana, female jumping, with copepod parasites on left pectoral fin, offshore from southern Costa Rica, Central America ( Eastern Pacific Ocean )

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Image ID: 0038037-DPE.jpg

spinner dolphin

spinner dolphin, either eastern spinner, Stenella longirostris orientalis, or Central American spinner, Stenella, longirostris centroamericana, female jumping, with copepod parasites on left pectoral fin, offshore from southern Costa Rica, Central America ( Eastern Pacific Ocean )
Credit to: Blue Planet Archive / Doug Perrine

Image dimensions: 7853x5235

URL for this image: https://pictures.blueplanetarchive.com/image/I0000YxVUy1o2vnY