A juvenile Red Saddleback Anemonefish, Amphiprion ephippium, peers from among the tentacles of its host anemone. The white vertical bar across the gill covers will fade away as it reaches maturity. Richelieu Rock, Thailand, Andaman Sea

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Image ID: 0019591-MSR.jpg

A juvenile Red Saddleback Anemonefish, Amphiprion ephippium, peers from among the tentacles of its host anemone. The white vertical bar across the gill covers will fade away as it reaches maturity. Richelieu Rock, Thailand, Andaman Sea
Credit to: Blue Planet Archive / Mark Strickland

Image dimensions: 3600x5400

URL for this image: https://pictures.blueplanetarchive.com/image/I0000HApwk1fEZHg