Underwater view of a red mangrove sapling, Rhizophora mangle. The peg-like pneumatophores extruding from the sand belong to a neighbouring black mangrove, Avicennia germinans. Bimini, Bahamas, Caribbean, Atlantic

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Image ID: 0091627-JSD.jpg

Underwater view of a red mangrove sapling, Rhizophora mangle. The peg-like pneumatophores extruding from the sand belong to a neighbouring black mangrove, Avicennia germinans. Bimini, Bahamas, Caribbean, Atlantic
Credit to: Blue Planet Archive / Jeremy Stafford-Deitsch

Image dimensions: 3601x5400

URL for this image: https://pictures.blueplanetarchive.com/image/I00009aFuk4kEPtA